Munki + MicroMDM = MunkiMDM? Part II

06 November 2018 on macOS, MicroMDM, and Munki. 3 minutes

In my last post, I discussed how to use Munki to control UAMDM Profiles using the MicroMDM API. As a proof of concept, it works great, but it also stores the API key for MicroMDM on any machine it is pushed to. Not ideal to have someone grab this and lock your entire fleet!

Also check out Part III!

But Why Again?

Once you enroll a client in MicroMDM and it gets the enrollment profiles, you need to send a command to the client for any other profiles you want to add. This middleware is simply creating that call. Along with that, the idea is to use Munki’s logic for when a profile should be installed. Instead of having some profiles come from munki and some from some other management tool, they all come from the same place.

What this means for the Client/Server

Client Side

Our preinstall_script in our pkginfo file changes to:

udid=$(ioreg -d2 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | awk -F\" '/IOPlatformUUID/{print $(NF-1)}')

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST \
--data '{"profile":"org.domain.tcc-1.0.mobileconfig"}' \$udid

And the relevant line of the uninstall becomes:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST --data '{"profile":"edu.cmich.tcc"}' \$udid

Server Side

With a little help from @grahamgilbert and a few others, I put this script together:

from flask import Flask, request
import base64
import requests
from env import settings

application = Flask(__name__)

@application.route('/install_profile/<uuid>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def install_profile(uuid):
    content = request.json
    profile = ('/path_to/munki_repo/pkgs/profiles/%s' % content['profile'])
    with open(profile, "rb") as f:
        bytes =
        base64_profile = base64.b64encode(bytes).decode('ascii')
    payload = {
        'udid': uuid,
        'payload': base64_profile,
        'request_type': 'InstallProfile'
        auth=('micromdm', settings.get('micromdm_key')),
    return uuid

@application.route('/remove_profile/<uuid>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def remove_profile(uuid):
    content = request.json
    profile = content['profile']
    payload = {
        'udid': uuid,
        'identifier': profile,
        'request_type': 'RemoveProfile'
        auth=('micromdm', settings.get('micromdm_key')),
    return uuid

if __name__ == '__main__':

To get the env settings, create a file called in the same directory like so:

settings = {
    'micromdm_url': '',
    'micromdm_key': 'sample-mdm-token-here',

There are a ton of ways to run the flask app, but since I’m already running MunkiWebAdmin on this server using nginx and gunicorn, I did it that way. This involves setting up a virtualenv for the flask app, a new nginx site, and a new systemd to start up the app.

In part III I’ll discuss adding more commands and adding in some basic authentication for the middleware.